Our #105 ScrawlrBox Top 3 ScrawlrChallenge Picks

#105 ScrawlrBox ScrawlrChallenge: 'Off The Wall'

Scrawlrs! this months challenge went slightly off-kilter, as inspired by our featured artist, KORP. We encouraged you to embrace the wild, weird and wonderful inside you to In-korp-orate your personality traits into a kooky cartoon version of yourself.

Here are our Top 3 picks from this month


Frankie Loader
Instagram: @the_createa

Eye spy with my little eye, somethingbeginning with.... this ScrawlrChallengedefinitely caught our eye! All thosedelicious textures, the excellent use of thebox and supplies to build this incrediblycreative piece. Definitely thought ‘Off TheWall’ with this one. Love it.

What was the inspiration behind this awesome piece?

“At first I didn’t know what to do butI knew that it had to literally be “offthe wall”. I decided to start tearingthe cardboard instead of waiting forinspiration and found the arched shapeto be like that of an eye. Looking at thecolours gave me the idea of a dragonbut the texture of the cardboard waswhat inspired me to create a collage ofpatterns. And from there it was just amatter of making!! “

Instagrsam: @Prim_draws

The fun thing about characters is theycan be whoever you want them to be!A cute bat-girl? Sure thing! We love howclean this piece is, bold with the rightamount of added detail. Just look at thosefangs! Will she bite though?Don’t know, best ask Prim..

Your bat-girl character looks equal part cute and evil: is she a hero or a villain?

 “I think she’s a bit of both. Like a likeablebaddie. Damon in the vampire diarieskind of baddie”


Anni Helberg
Instagram: @anni.hellberg

What a friendly little shroom! We like to thinkif we were lost and stumbled across thisfella he would happily guide us in the rightdirection. Or would it?That smile has a sinister edge...

What are your monster character origins?

“Back in 2017 I bought a pen (a TombowFudenosuke Brush pen to be precise)and started scribbling to get to know it.Somehow one of the monsters emergedand I continued drawing them ever since.For me the monsters are my go to subject to draw when I want to draw situations orpeople from my daily life.”


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