Derivan Liquid Pencil Tubes
Featured In / July 2020 ScrawlrBox
We realise you may have never seen or used products like this before so we have put together a few hints, tips and techniques to test out and get the best from these supplies.
Liquid Pencil is an innovative graphite paint that allows you to create authentic graphite pencil effects and pencil sketches using a liquid medium. It can be thinned with water to allow for the softest of colours to be applied with a brush, nib, or other art tools. It is great for covering large areas quickly and easily and the colour can be built up in layers.
Due to a precisely balanced formulation another great benefit of the rewettable liquid pencil allows you to remove areas using water - akin to watercolour techniques and it is possible to lift some pigment with a traditional eraser
What is derivan liquid pencil?
Derivan is the new technology that lets people create original pencil drawings with a liquid in a quick and simple way. Liquid Pencils are formulated with creamy consistency and easily diluted with water for use.
What is a 9H pencil used for?
9H is one of the most difficult pencils and has little discernable marking. It has the least graphite, it is hard and it is inserted into the paper with no pressure. It can be used for drawings and precise drawings. The grays seem subtle and smooth.
Things To Try...
If you ever been sketching and wanted to cover a large area quickly? Or wanted to variegate the tone very subtly, similar to using watercolors? Derivan Liquid pencil is capable of all these things and more. An innovative new product that allows artists to create authentic graphite pencil effect and pencil sketches using a liquid. With a consistency of cream, Liquid Pencil has been formulated to be easily thinned with water and can be applied with a brush or other art tools. Liquid Pencil is available in six graphite shades each with a permanent or rewettable formula. Each of the shades have a definite graphite colour, however, there are distinct undertones such as blue, yellow, red, and sepia.
Liquid Pencil is available in six graphite shades each with a permanent or rewettable formula. Each of the shades have a definite graphite colour, however, there are distinct undertones such as blue, yellow, red, and sepia. Due to a precisely balanced formulation another great benefit of the Permanent liquid pencil is that it will “burnish up' in a similar manner to traditional graphite but it will not smudge. The rewettable formula will also allow you to remove areas using water – in a similar manner to watercolour techniques. (It is also possible to use a traditional eraser). Another advantage of using permanent liquid pencil allows you to cover large sketching areas quickly, achieve watercolor effects, and create versatile washes!
An authentic graphite pencil effect with both permanent and rewettable formulas you can apply with a brush, nib or other art tools produces versatile artwork.
Things To Try...
~ Don’t expect this medium to behave exactly like watercolour. The pencil will not flow evenly (even on a wet page), unless it’s diluted considerably. Nothing will happen if you sprinkle the picture with salt. You might not be able to lift the dried pencil with a wet brush – it works only on some papers.
~ It’s hard to achieve a smooth almost black surface in one go. It will be much easier when the first delicate pencil layer dries on the sheet. Then the graphite particles from subsequent layers seem to stick better to the paper and there are no unevenness. To improve the flow of graphite, spray it with water and tilt the sheet.
~ Graphite will darken slightly after drying. Colours might become dull on some papers.
~ Sprinkle drying layers with the water from your brush to achieve interesting textures. It requires using way more force than with watercolours or the droplets won’t be visible.
~ Remember that you can splash some places on the painting with a thick liquid pencil from the brush. The droplets will stay exactly where they fall. They will not dissolve on a wet surface, as watercolour does.
~ On some papers, after complete drying, you can refine details with a good pencil eraser. Use some force to do it and be patient.
~ You can use a regular pencil to add small details that you’re unable to do with a brush.
~ Try liquid pencil on different paper textures. Graphite granulates beautifully and accumulates in paper cavities. It is worth remembering about this feature when planning a theme for your painting.

What inspired this artwork?
Artist / Katarzyna Kmiecik
The oldest of trees must remember so many seasons, stories of human love and loss, winds and storms, warmth of the Sun on their first branches, countless sunsets and sunrises!
I feel like we, as the humankind, fail to understand something very simple, yet important, because we are so preoccupied with our everyday life and dazzled by the modern technology. What if we could understand the sound of trees? Would that be a cure to our short-sightedness? This thought was an inspiration behind my “Tale of the Ancient Tree” and many other artworks that I’ve made in the past.