
Derwent Pastel Shades Paint Pan Set
Featured In / February '22 ScrawlrBox
We realise you may have never seen or used products like this before so we have put together a few hints, tips and techniques to test out and get the best from these supplies.
These gouache style pigmented paints, are uniquely soft and light formulated pastel shades. These gentle colours are perfect for romantic washes and dreamy blends but they can also be layered for a brighter finish, without dissolving any previously dried layers. This means you can build up thick opaquelayers to create a more dramatic, bright and matte finish. So the possibilities with this palette are endless.
This compact set contains 12 pastel paint pans, a mini water brush, five mixing palettes and a sponge to clean your supplies.
Things To Try...
~ Getting started- When setting up we recommend using two pots for water - one to rinse your brush, and one to clean it. This will prevent you from unintentionally mixing your colours, keeping them nice and clean.
~ The Derwent pastel paints are very soft and light so they are perfect for creating a light or delicate wash. However, they can also be layered (once dry) to create a brighter and more opaque finish.
~ Patience is key. If you plan on working in layers,make sure the underneath layer is absolutely dry. Watercolours aren’t permanent, but if you let them fully dry they are far less likely to move when reapplying another wet layer. This will prevent things like colour muddiness and watery tidal marks.
~That being said, you can create some nice effects while the paint is still wet.- Try swiping a clean, wet brush across fresh paint. This will lift off some of the paint underneath to create some soft visual interest - great for back grounds!- For a more dramatic effect, you can use dab on some tissue/ Kleenex. The tissue will absorb more of the wet paint. Great for creating things likes clouds or larger areas for highlights or even lifting off paint to correct mistakes.
~ The white Gelly Roll is super opaque, making it ideal for layering over the paints. Great for going back in with some finer, finishing details and, of course, highlights.
~ You can also paint on top of the ink for a brighter pop of pastel colour. Once dry, it becomes waterproof and will not smear or feather.