Sit Down With Our #090 Featured Artist

Frankie Curtis 

Instagram / @curtiscreationz
Featured Artist / #113 ScrawlrBox 

An artist with an overactive imagination. Born and bred inSouth East London, Frankie Curtis has created a unique styleinspired from a childhood of growing up watching cartoons.Her work is a vibrant collection of crazy characters with asprinkle of humour throughout. Working mostly in acrylicpaints and markers, spray paint, and digital work bringing herwork to life in an animated format.

Graduated from the University of Portsmouth after studyingBA(Hons) Illustration in 2014, she has continually adaptedand perfected her ‘doodle’ style, working for clients fromthe Mayor of London, to the Teletubbies and everything inbetween. She’s taken part in several exhibitions, art fairs andpaint festivals globally.


Doodles doodles everywhere!Where do you start?

Anywhere and everywhere! It changes everytime, usually my first character I will drawthe eyes first and then make it up fromthere. After the first character I mostlycreate shapes and figure it out from there.

Do any of the doodles have a significantmeaning to you?

Not really. Maybe deep down there is ameaning. It brings me comfort and happinesscreating, and I think that transfers back topeople who see my work. I want to makepeople smile!

Ever sneak any hidden messages or private jokes into your doodles?

Occasionally I like to do puns or jokes,sometimes naughty things get hidden inthere have to really take it all in tofind them

How long does a mural in your style take?

I am a quick worker - I can doodle an entire room fully in 1 day (around 6-8 hours) It’s all about drawing without thinking too much and having fun with it. Not worrying about things being perfect.

Have you ever used the Faber Castell Creative Markers Before?

Yes, to create my piece in the pack I haveused these - Faber Castell was always mypen of choice when I was younger drawingin sketchbook.

What was your very first commissioned project?

I did a mural for an Italian restaurant inmy hometown, mostly drawing pizzas,wine, olives etc.

Congrats on the Illustrated World Series battle and making it to the semi-finals! How was that experience for you?

Exciting - it’s the furthest I’ve gotten sofar. I enjoyed it more getting past the firstround and got some high scores.

Do you have a preferred colour combo?

Black and White.

Do you have anything on in the background while you create?Like music or a Podcast?

I love drum and bass mostly and grime.Usually some form of crime podcast ismy favourite.

Do you have a favourite projectyou have been a part of?

Several really. Most recently I havebeen working with the Teletubbiescreating art live a events which is reallyfun! But my favourite mural was mostlikely at the Four Thieves in Clapham,it’s an arcade bar so full of video gamecartoons and I had full creative freedom- a lot of these characters are ones that Iused to copy when I was learning to drawas a child.

We reckon we will see you in the finals next time, we will be rooting for you!

Thanks guys, I missed out on the socialvote so if you’re watching next time, votefor me! I want to be the first femalewinner ever!

Are you a tea or coffee type of person?

Iced coffee - even in winter.

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ScrawlrBox #113


A ScrawlrBox inspired by the quirky doodles from our featured artist, Curtis Creationz. Use your supplies to scribble, scrawl, sketch and squiggle all over the page. Inside this box you will find a set of six Faber-Castell Creative Markers, UniPin Fineliner, A POSCA Marker and pad of ScrawlrBox card.