Sit Down With Our #090 Featured Artist
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Featured Artist / #111 ScrawlrBox
I’ve been drawing as long as I can remember. A lot of people still ask me if I have gone to any art schools and the answer is, yes! I’ve been to multiple, each had their quirks, but at some point I felt a bit too restricted. I painted or drew only what I saw. So that is when I decided to experiment on my own and create things I can’t in art school.
A big thing I encourage people is to create with joy. I know it’s easier said than done sometimes, but I think exploring silly ideas or just something you like can be so much fun! That’s why sometimes I create snail croissants, since it popped in my head and I though that it could look funny! It can be as simple as that! Of course sometimes I create pieces with more meanings or stories and I love that too. I just love how art can be so expressive and so bendable that we can create anything, just have to think about it!

We adore your style, your creatures you create a so wild and wonderful- where do you find ideas for your style of work?
Guess I draw inspiration from anywhere, anything that brings me joy or intrigues me. If I find a color I like, I’ll use it in my next painting. Sometimes, it feels like there are two voices in my head. For example, one might see a mountain, and the other will say, “Add millions of birds in different colors, and that will be your next piece!
Do your creations have a story behind them?
Yes, most of them do. The concept often forms either before I start the piece or while I’m creating it. I love adding some poetry behind my work, but I also enjoy creating pieces that are simply cute and don’t mean anything at all. The most important thing for me is what the viewer sees, as it might be something else entirely.
Of all the paints, why is gouache one of your favourites?
Gouache is incredibly versatile, allowing me to experiment and providing a great sense of freedom. I love the textures it offers, as you can easily manipulate the thickness to achieve various effects
When did you first discover gouache?
I think when I was twelve. However, I had to move away from it in school because the preferred medium was watercolours, which never really appealed to me. Eventually, I rediscovered it and have been enjoying it ever since.