Sit Down With Our August '22 Featured Artist
Julie Avisar
Instagram / Julie.Avisar
Featured Artist / August '22 ScrawlrBox
I was born in London and am now based in Israel.
I am primarily a landscape artist with drawing as my main medium.
Being in nature revitalises my senses and provides me with my greatest inspiration. I have always been curious about the wonders of the natural world and every season’s unique personality from the texture of a desert plant to the colours of an autumnal forest.
With a degree in Interior Design from Chelsea College of Arts, London, my work, whatever the medium – drawing, graphic design, interior design - has reflected my interest in concepts of space and place and how we interact with them.
I am interested in creating intimate and dream-like scenes which draw the viewer into another world.

If you could only use one art medium for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I would easily choose the pencil. What is seemingly a simple tool/material, is so versatile! They can create sharp lines, can be used for shading, are perfect for mark making and they are cheap! My favourite is the 4b which is pretty soft and you can get some really nice darks! I love the high contrasts!
What do you love most about oil pastels?
I think oil pastels can be thought of as both a drawing and painting material. They are a great to draw with and their colours are so vibrant! You can create different textures with them, scratch into them, blend them together and even dissolve them using solvent.
Is there a particular location that gets you in the mood to create?
A walk in nature always gets the creative juices flowing. I would love to do more work outside but it’s usually too hot for that and I tend to work from mainly home.
How would you describe your style in 3 words?
Expressionist, Detailed & Colourful.
Are there any artists that have had an influence on your style?
I absolutely love the work of Alice Neel, Henri Matisse, Egon Schiele, Richard Diebenkorn and Pierre Bonnard. I often read up on them and enjoy soaking in their energy.
What do you think your art says about your identity?
I think it shows my passion for creating, my love for nature and my enthusiasm for life.
Is there a project that you have done that you are most proud of?
Not exactly a project but for the past 5 years I have been giving after-school art classes. I think it's important to provide a space to encourage kids to create. Especially when the schools are phasing out art and so many kids spend too much time on their phones and spend less time playing with materials and making things.
Favourite music to listen to whilst creating?
Ah, this depends on my mood! I’m usually a soul fan but when drawing, it can be anything from Ed Sheeran to Elton John, an 80’s playlist or The Weeknd. I usually like something with a good energy. Normally, I listen to podcasts when working but music can instantly change the energy in the room!
What would a perfect day off look like for you?
A perfect day would include breakfast in a café with my sketchbook in toll, followed by a visit to a national park or local wooded area to capture some inspiration and beauty and then back home to create!