Sit Down With Our #090 Featured Artist
Kerry Lemon
Instagram / kerrylemonart
Featured Artist / #090 ScrawlrBox
Kerry Lemon is a Brighton based artist, inspired by travel and responding to local plant life, landscape and histories. She loves materials and articulates her research in a multidisciplinary practice including sculpture, painting, drawing and collage. Although diverse, these outcomes have common roots; examining and inventing native/invasive plant species to reflect issues of climate change, migration, bio-ethics and the commonality of womxn and flora.
Her artwork and ideas are commissioned by architects, developers and luxury brands including;Le Bon Marché Paris, Coutts Bank, Fortnum & Mason, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Virgin Airways, Sony Japan, Harrods, MAC Cosmetics, Historic Royal Palaces, The Environment Agency, The Wildlife Trusts, Harvey Nichols, The Times, BBC Wildlife, Harper’s Bazaar, The National Trust, Elle Spain, De Beers, LA Times, Liberty London, Swarovski, Boodles, Smythson, Jo Malone, SPACE NK China.

We can see you like working with a variety of different art mediums. Which one would you say expresses you the best?
Gah... I can’t choose and it constantly changes! I love exploring new materials and enjoy the variety.
Are there any recurrent themes in your work?
Yes, it is always rooted in nature, especially plants.
What is your favourite thing about working with fluid acrylic?
I love how smooth and versatile it is. It’s incredibly easy to water down to get transparent/ watercolour effects, but can be used straight from the pot for excellent opaque coverage too. I’m currently obsessed with exploring its potential for simple block printing techniques... watch this space...
What triggers your creativity?
Everything - especially being outside in nature and I find lots of inspiration in fashion - the colours/ textures/ forms, but travel has always been my greatest inspiration. I am the Queen of itchy feet and always plotting my next trip.
What does art mean to you? Would you say its a big part of who you are?
Absolutely. People are at the top of my tree; my glorious husband, family and friends - but after that it is my art. It is a huge part of who I am, how I see and respond to the world and my place within it. I would never have dreamed it was possible for me to be an artist, but if I can do it then so can you!
Are you more of a morning creator or a night owl?
Ha ha, I could pretend to be cool and say I sleep in until lunch and work all through the night, but anyone who knows me knows I am in bed by 9pm and up at the crack of dawn! I adore the quiet of the early morning. The time and space just for me, before the rest of my world is awake.
If someone was just starting out on their artistic journey, what is the one thing you would recommend to them?
Enjoy the process and the journey. It is a complete gift to have creativity in yourlife and to carve out the time and spaceto do it. If you want to make a living from your art, then in parallel with your artistic practice, you’ll need to learn all about marketing, entrepreneurship, finances, business planning and strategy, project management etc. I work very hard andvery long hours but there is nothing I would rather do. If I won the lottery I would want exactly the same life. I feel very lucky.
What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
“Don’t ask - don’t get” such good advice (thanks Mum and Dad!). If you’re going to be self-employed, you’ll need to be brave and go looking (and asking!) for opportunities!
What does your typical weekday normally go like?
Up before the birds... Coffee and gratitude journal... waste time on social media... havea stern word with myself... stop scrolling... online pilates... shower... up to my attic studio... artwork and podcasts... lunch with husband and walk by the beach (we live in Brighton)... artwork and podcasts... dinner with lovely husband... then either walk/ craft/ gossip/ karaoke/ pub/ read/ paint (we don’t have a TV)... early bed... snore and dribble... repeat.
Tea or coffee? ...Or none?
Buckets of both please... constantly... (but not after 2pm!) and dirty diet sodas too x