On The Streets
“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination, and encourages people to go further.” Keith haring
Street artists have been long been painting walls to use as a powerful medium of expression, creating striking imagery to convey their message. Central to this form of art are iconic characters crafted by renowned artists such as Blek Le Rat, Stik, Keith Haring, and Obey – to name just a few! So, let’s explore the characterization of street art by looking at some the legends enriching our urban environment with their distinctive characters..
Black Le Rat
Blek Le Rat was one of the very first graffiti artists in Paris, and is considered the originator of the stencil movement. His iconic character, the rat, heavily featured scurrying across the streets of Paris became synonymous with urban rebellion and social commentary, challenging viewers to confront issues of poverty, inequality, and injustice.So iconic were these little rats that they inspired another very famous street artist who went onto create some of the worlds most notorious pieces of political street art ; “Every time I think I've painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek le Rat has done it as well. Only twenty years earlier”.” Banksy.
Keith Haring
Haring was an artist and activist who was an integral part of the legendary New York art and graffiti scene during the 80’s. Known for his super colourful and playful works such as the ‘Radiant Baby’ and the ‘Barking Dog’, which appear simplistic, however the message they carry is anything but. Rooted in his activism and advocacy for LGBQT+ rights, anti-war sentiments and AIDS awareness, these bold characters serve as a beacon of hope and defiance. Long after Haring’s passing, they continue to aspire generations of street artists and activists worldwide.

This semi-anonymous artist went from homelessness to being one of the Worlds most recognised artists. An activist, STIK works with the N.H.S., British Nuclear Test Veterans and many grass-roots activist groups – sensing a theme here! His work is almost childlike in its simplicity, renowned for his minimalist yet emotionally resonant stick figures. His figures often represent unity, solidarity and the struggles of humans in real life experiences. He has often used the sales of his art to support various community projects, such as ‘Up on the Roof’, a sculpture that was actioned for £150,000 which was all given to Cardboard Citizens, a theatre group helping the homeless.
Monkier of Shepard Fairey, the iconic ‘Obey Giant’ campaign started out as stickers pasted about anywhere and everywhere he went. Featuring larger-than-life wrestler André Roussimoff stoic face alongside the word “Obey” it became a symbol of anti-consumerism and conformity.
These Artists have developed characters that represent so much more that what they physically look like. They carry a message that embodies narratives of resilience and rebellion, questioning culture that keeps us asking questions. Our question to you Scrawlrs; How would you leave your mark?